Vadim_147 Июнь 2019 0

Плюсы отеля


Минусы отеля

Ужасная дорога, трансфер чуть не сорвался в обрыв, потому что дороги нет, а просто земля которую сровнял бульдозер. Хозяин обманщик. Для русскоязычных пользователь-пожалуйста не поленитесь и прочитайте мой отзыв через переводчик, и лучше 100 раз подумайте перед тем как ехать в эту виллу.

Рассказ об отеле

Caution scammers who steal your money!!!! I would like to leave my review for this villa in order to warn all people that want to rent it!

Starting from the beginning I was looking for some villa to rent in Alanya (staying there every vacation already 4 years) My main requirement were: walking distance to the sea, safe area and some supermarkets/markest nearby. As the description provided by booking com met all my requirements and even more I have decided to make a reservation from 20th of June until 10th of July 2019 for 6 persons. Afterwards villa’s representative/owner contacted me to confirm my reservation, however he could barely speak English and couldn’t answer my questions. That is why he proposed to speak with his employee that speaks Russian. The conversation took place, I asked about the distance to the sea, villas location, distance to the Alanya city center and the road conditions that lead to the villa (as my wife is very afraid of height and this even can cause her seizures) In response of my questions the Lady ensured me that the villa isn’t situated high in the mountains, the road is in a good condition, ready and safe to stay. It is very important to mention that the first transaction for the reservation was charged from my card 1 week before the actual date of arrival. On the arrival date we were met by the transfer that we have ordered from the villas owner for 110€. As it was not the first time of visiting Alanya, the first thing that warned us was the road, we passed the Alanya city center (it was mentioned that its only 3,5 km away from the villa that we were going to rent) and headed futher and futher from the mentioned villas location. Eventually we approached a high steep mountain on which we started to ride. The road was very narrow and life threatening, in fact there was no rad at all, only cliffs that were not even fenced and the car could easily fall into it. All the way to villa my children’s and wife were crying fearing for their lifes. When we finally came to villa we met the villas owner and his employee that we made phone conversation with. We were so shocked when we saw the provided villa because it wasn’t the same that we reserved and very different from the pictures provided by booking.com. There pictures were fake, in reality villa was very dirty, and not at all suitable for living! It is not real to reach the sea from it by foot or even by car! Everything including its location and appearance were fake! Due to the mentioned above fact we started to find out with the villas owner why the villa is not appropriate and ask to cancel our reservation because all the information was fake! Moreover, we wanted to make some photos in order to proof all inconsistencies, after which owner started to threaten us. Finally we made an agreement that if we would give him 600€ cash + money that the company already charged us 1 week before the arrival (720€ from card as the forfeit) he would cancel the reservation and wont charge us anymore. As we had no other options, want to safe at least the rest of money and feared for our life`s we had to agree. Hoping for the honesty and compliance we left, but it was in vain… Afterwards he charged us 1200€ 04.08.2019, and then once more 600€ 06.08.2019, with understanding that we have left Turkey.(I couldn`t imagine that booking.com didn`t block the ability to withdraw money from my credit card) We contacted booking.com but they answered that they are not responsible for this charges and cannot help us! Moreover, we cannot even leave a review in order to warn people!

In a proof of all mentioned situations I can provide the contact number of the person that rented us the fake villa, photo of our whatsapp conversation and account statement!

Please be aware of this people and their company — they are scammers!!!!!

Phone of the scammers +905332099271

Полезные ссылки:

✔️ Кэшбэк 4% при бронировании на Ostrovok.ru. Более 3000 отзывов.

✔️ Кэшбэк до 5% при бронировании отеля на Яндекс.Путешествия.

✔️ Кэшбэк 3% при бронировании жилья на Суточно.ру.

✔️ Кэшбэк до 2% при покупке авиабилетов на Aviasales.

✔️ Русские гиды и экскурсии по всему миру. Трансферы, услуги фотографов и многое другое.

✔️ Дешевые авиабилеты? Конечно Aviasales.
